Posts Tagged ‘Past’

DIY Workshop: Women’s Self-Defense

Thursday, September 4th, 2014


Friday, August 1st, 2014
DIY Workshop will be at Interference festival in the Binnenpret/Occii.
Come to repair clothes, make pads, help with our Zine SPFR (Something Printed for Reading).

DIY Workshop: House Hold Products

Friday, August 1st, 2014
This time it will not be at the Klinker!
Instead at the Basta Shop, Begijnenstraat 34, Nijmegen.
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Link to Folder

DIY Workshop: Lockpicking!

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Drawings of the event by Komo!

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DIY Workshop: TTIP Info

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014



ASEED is mainly focussing on food and agriculture. But during this evening also other issues will get attention and our goal is to stimulate a broad action campaign against this free trade agreement.

When we start working groups, what we do depends on the interest of the participants. For example:

– planning a small action;
– painting a banner;
– making buttons;
– make stencils for spray painting;
– designing stickers.

During the night there will be people available to answer questions about TTIP and the campaigns and actions planned so far.

Free entrance. Donations for food and campaign costs welcome!

Address: Vrankrijk, Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam

More info on

DIY at the Kaaij! July 10th

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014


SeedBombs + LockPicking

Friday, June 6th, 2014


Seed bombs and Lockpicking

Thursday, June 5th, 2014


We will learn how to make seed bombs – the ultimate weapon against wastelands and a way to bring some wildlife to urban places.

SEED BOMBING is an old technique of dropping seeds onto the soil by making small balls from clay and soil and lately it became popular again in order to make abandoned places greener and better looking.

We are the ones who decide what our neighborhoods will look like.
We have power to improve our environment.

After our weapon will be ready you can take it and drop seed bombs anywhere you think it’s necessary – city, empty field or your own garden. We will mostly use flower and herb seeds but you can also bring your own seeds and use them if you want (vegetable seeds are also an option).

We got 99 problems but wasting our land shouldn’t be one!!




After Seed Bombing, we will learn how to pick locks!

We got 99 problems but a locked door ain’t one.

DIY Workshop Amsterdam, June 5th!

Sunday, June 1st, 2014


Karl Scott Acoustic Set

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014