Posts Tagged ‘Past’

Apr. 14: DIYW goes Budapest

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015


//// For the English description please scroll down///

Decemberben kezdetét vette a Show & Tell című havonta megrendezésre kerülő programsorozat.

A Show & Tell egy olyan forma, mely lehetőséget teremt alkotóknak arra, hogy egy-egy készülő vagy friss munkájukat bemutassák és közösen megvitassák. Minden alkalommal három művész egy-egy munkája szerepel. A munka prezentációját beszélgetés követi, ahol közösen megvitatjuk a műveket.

Az április 14-én megrendezendő Show & Tell fókusza a “DIY: do it yourself! a művészetben” vagyis az intézményes kereten kívüli tanulás és öntanítás az alkotói munka során.

Az eseményen bemutatkozik:
-Mirna Antevasin (különleges vendég Hollandiából) “DIY workshop: Skill Sharing and anti-capitalism”
-Still Untitled Project
-Varga Dániel és Kovács Máté: Koncentrikus Körök
-Magyari Lilla : 10 perc (interaktív tánc impró)

A bemutatkozások és beszélgetések némelyike angolul lesz, némelyike magyarul. Minden esetben fogunk fordítani.

Célunk egy olyan platfrom létrehozása, ahol különböző területekről érkező alkotók megismerhetik egymás munkáit és munkamódszereit egy kötetlenül beszélgetésen keresztül. Az Aurórában megvalósuló program ötletét az amszterdami Gerrit Rietveld Academy Audiovizuális szakán megismert eseménysorozat adta, amely ezt a formát használja és értelmezi újra.

A lehetőség mindenki számára nyitott. Ha szeretnétek részt venni a következő események valamelyikén, jelezzétek kommentben, vagy levélben (,,,

Ez az esemény egyben alkalom arra is, hogy az Auróra újonnan alakuló kortárs művészeti műhelye bemutatkozzon, és az érdeklődők együtt alakíthassák a műhely koncepcióját.


In December, a monthly organized event, so called Show& Tell series was launched in Aurora.
The Show& Tell is a format, which offers an opportunity for artists to present and discuss collectively one of their projects recently completed or in the process of making. At each occassion the project of altogether three artists is introduced, followed by a critical debate and discussion about the works.

On the 14th of April “DIY: do it yourself! in the arts” will be the focus of the Show&Tell.

Artists and projects:
-Mirna Antevasin (special guest from the Netherlands) “DIY workshop: Skill Sharing and anti-capitalism”
-Still Untitled Project
-Dániel Varga and Máté Kovács: Concentric Circles
-Lilla Magyari : 10 minutes (interactive dance impro)

Some of the talks will be held in Hungarian, some of the talks will be in English. We will translate in both cases.

The aim of the series is to create a platform, where authors of various fields can exchange thoughts about their works and methods, while learning skills to presentations and critical thinking. We hope to establish a workshop where an unrestricted and relaxed communication could take place. The idea of launching Show& Tell in the Aurora came from the Audiovisual Dpt. of Gerrit Rietveld Academy from Amsterdam, where they also use this format while reinterpreting it.

Everyone is welcome to join, and in case you are interested please comment below the post, or send us an email to,
The program serves also as a framework for introducing Aurora’s newly forming art workshop which is going to be further shaped by the participants of the workshop.


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Apr. 10: Internet Privacy

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Digital Privacy workshop in joe’s garage (amsterdam)

Friday April 10th 2015, 7:30pm. Internet privacy/security workshop for everybody (so you don’t have to be a computergeek), learn about things like oa useful browser plugins, PGP/GPG (email encryption), OTR (chat encryption), Tor etc etc. Bring your computer or/and usb flashdrive!!

Camera surveillance, Big Data, dragnet surveillance. Our privacy is increasingly under threat, both online and offline. Companies and government agencies make it their job to know as much about you as possible, with or without your consent. There are however plenty of ways to regain control over who does or does not get to see your information, and strong cryptography has become easy to use.

In this workshop we will explain how to reclaim your privacy in a few easy steps, what privacy-respecting alternatives are available for services of Google, and how to communicate securely using the internet or your smartphone.

After our presentation we will help you set up encrypted email, chat software and any other tools that were covered, so be sure to bring your laptop and a USB flashdrive!!

The workshop can cover the following subjects:

– Big Data and online tracking
– Useful browser plugins
– PGP/GPG (email encryption)
– OTR (chat encryption)
– Tor (online anonymity)
– TAILS (easy-to-use secure operating system)

Organized by Pinknoise, an independent and self-organized media collective.

Slides + notes (in the works):

Below you will find links that explain in more detail how to install and use the tools that have been adressed during the workshop, as well as some suggested further reading.

EFF Surveillance Self Defense
Comprehensive list of tutorials in english on a.o. installing and using privacy tools (including PGP, OTR etc.), an introduction to threat moddeling and tips on how to keep your data and computer safe.

Security in a box
Guides in a lot of languages for using privacy tools

Explanation in dutch on the basics of GnuPG:

Introduction to public key cryptography and PGP:

Learn how to use PGP signatures to verify documents. Most free software developers sign their installation packages so you can verify that the software has not been tampered with. The nice people of TAILS created an easy explaination on how to do this:

If you have a Riseup account and want to use OTR over their XMPP chat, then have a look at how to set that up:

If you do not have a Riseup or Puscii account but still want to use OTR encrypted XMPP chats: Systemli offers free xmpp accounts and does not log content or metadata

Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity. It is an easy way to stay secure and uses all the privacy tools that have been mentioned in the workshop.

Other links

The Camera Panopticon
Aral Balkan’s keynote presentation during Last year’s Big Brother Awards explains in detail why people should stop using the services of Google and Facebook. Invest 30 minutes of your time to watch this presentation, even if you think you allready know al this.

Why privacy matters
Glenn Greenwald, one of the first journalists to cover the Snowden files, explains why privacy matters -even if you have “nothing to hide”- in this Ted talk. (list of nice services)

* LEAP (VPN, and soon email)

If you are interested in hosting a Pink Noise Privacy workshop then please contact us at: pinknoise at puscii dot nl

Apr. 8: Computer maintenance

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015



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Apr. 5: Typewriter Society #3

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Last month’s solution: Replacing brittle old plastic with cable rubber!


Some cleaning, oiling, new ribbon:


Manual database.

Repair book.

Our babies so far:

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14:00 Pancake Brunch!

16:00 Typewriter maintenance//Zine making with typewriters.


You can have your zine published with us.

Thoughts and Tools is the Zine Publisher we run at LAG. Black and white A4 zines, so far publishing:

SPFR (Something Printed For Reading) The DIY Workshop Newsletter.


T+T Feminist Selection

DIY Manuals




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Mar. 26: Magic Mushrooms | Amor Fizz concert

Friday, March 6th, 2015



Free entrance. Welcome donations for materials.



Hornweg 6, 1045 AR Amsterdam



Van Ostadestraat 55, 1072 SR Amsterdam


Mushroom Cultivation Zine

BRING YOUR OWN JAR! (non-shouldered)

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Mar. 22: Paper Lamps

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

paperlamps poster


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Mar. 21: Mushroom Cultivation

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015



Mushroom Cultivation Zine


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Mar. 17: Seed exchange + starting seeds

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

*DIY Workshop: Seed exchange + starting seeds*

Join us at another DIY Workshop on the 17th of March!
We will do a seed exchange and plant some seeds as well.
We can exchange our own gardening experiences, ideas and suggestions while starting those seeds.
If you have seeds, bring them and swap it with others.
In order to start seeds, we will need compost soil and containers with drainage holes.
If you have that, you can bring it to the workshop. Otherwise we have some to share.

Want to repair your clothes? There will be a sewing machine available as usual! And a typewriter as well!

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Mar. 15: Swap Party!

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Sweet Sweep Swap Party / ruilfeest

> sunday 15 march
> 14-17 uur
> entrance free

> Yess, Cleansing Spring time to exchange!
> People, take your fabulous clothes, shoes, accessories and let
> someone else REUSE it! Or take forgotten & lonely tools, records,
> cd’s, books, good interesting stuff, usefull to others.
> Rules of the game: bring with you max. 12 things, and leave with same
> amount. Products have to be: clean and complete.
> No underwear, food or broken stuff, please.
> Bring your “family”…Lets meet up and swap!
> Because the world is already full of stuff. Stop shopping and Sweep
> Swap out your house!
> Entrance is FREE.
> Find yourself suddenly (cre-)active in the PIMP Corner…
> Kidscraftcorner also provided
> So come and check it all out: DJ Surprise, Aga Flo, Eri Kinderpret,
> Mirna DIY and …
> a sweet cake and coffee benefit cafe is provided by Edith… Join us!


Mar. 1: Typewriter Society #2

Sunday, March 1st, 2015



14:00 Pancake Brunch!

16:00 Typewriter maintenance//Zine making with typewriters.

You can have your zine published with us.

Thoughts and Tools is the Zine Publisher we run at LAG. Black and white A4 zines, so far publishing:

SPFR (Something Printed For Reading) The DIY Workshop Newsletter.


T+T Feminist Selection

DIY Manuals

