Posts Tagged ‘Past’

Jul. 24-26: FluffFest Fanzine Tent

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

at FluffFest

A zine library/exhibition/workshop space where we can chill and read some old and new fanzines.
Bring your own zine to share with others or make one at the tent!
We will have zine making tools, a typewriter and lots of inspiration all around.

This year we will bring back the Fluff Fanzine!
You can come to the Fanzine Tent to contribute a page,
and Sunday we will wrap it up and share.

There will also be patches and sewing stuff, so you can sew them on right away.
See you all there!

FB page
FB event

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Jul. 18-19: A gathering of NOMADS

Monday, June 1st, 2015


The first edition of NOMADS Gathering will take place at The Vondelbunker Amsterdam on JULY 18 & 19, one of what we hope will be many worldwide regular gatherings,where you will be able to meet the broad nomadic community and share with them a couple of days in your long road. It is a totally volunteer-organized event, for which we need help from all people who want to join in to make this happening even greater. This event is supported by the local collective Schijnheilig .

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to come to one of those bonfires, after a long road, and just sit and listen to the stories of all travelers? Just like old times, when wanderers and nomads would roam the roads guided by the sun, to stop right there where the night befell them.

Well, that’s what we’re doing here! A space where all NOMADS can learn and improve most skills needed on the road, by gathering “experts” to present their experiences and holding workshops. There’ll be local and travelling artists performing, evenings for socializing, and loads of tips for Nomadic life. There will be everything you can think of, and if we haven’t thought of it, feel free to do it yourself.


All info is on

Workshops, Talks, Discussions

“Alternative travels, Free, and Off-the-grid Living” : stories from those that have plugged out and done things differently.
“Hitch-hiking”: anecdotes, stories and tips from those that have done it for years, sometimes across continents.
“Female Solo Travel”: parallel session for women, story and tips sharing.
“Digital Nomads, Bloggers and other Online ways of supporting yourself”: your office just a laptop, your backdrop a beautiful view: how do they do it?
“Camping, wildcamping, resource sharing for accomodation”: sleeping free/cheap around the world, the possibilities are endless.
“Boaters and Bikers, Cyclists and Walkers”: stories from those that have have decided not to travel as a passenger.
“Organizing grassroots gatherings”: free festivals, gatherings, underground events: how do they work?

“Reclaiming Spaces”: what is squatting? stories from local Amsterdammers, and beyond.
“Reclaiming Food Waste”: on both days, Guerilla Kitchen Amsterdam will take out people to “free” food, and teach how to set this sort of project up yourself. After that cook it and eat it, of course!

Crafts & Arts
Pimp your backpack, learn to crochet handy things for the road, use a typewriter to make a (travel) fanzine or write a letter to someone, learn how to use a sewing machine and sow a patch on the spot… Yarnbombing , DIY Workshop Amsterdam and Typewriter Society will help.
The talented Julia Kiryanova will sketch portraits of all you beautiful people.
Spaces for more stands available.


Free/Swap corner: leave what you don’t need and take what you might.
Book and fanzine stand from travellers.
A Human Library: in the form of a noticeboard and guestbook. We will map out where in the world the cool spots are, and connect with the good people there.

Music, Arts, Performances

Shireen is a local activist and creative, she plays “Crisis Folk”: songs about changing politics, travelling, off the grid living, and love. A real treat, listen.

Bucket Boyz and Zibabu: these 3 guys have boat-hitched across oceans, squatted and protested, and have been living in the streets and in alternative communities for years. During the festival they will perform and tell their stories.

+more TBC!

Come back in July for the FULL Day-by-day PROGRAM!

Jul. 9-12: Queeristan

Monday, June 1st, 2015


Queeristan is a DIY festival about exploring and countering the normative workings of gender, sexuality and identity in an autonomous space that avoids capitalism, commercialisation, heteronormativity, racism, sexism and transphobia.

This year’s festival will focus on Racism, Feminism and Trans* issues. We want you to share your story.

There will be a vegan snack bar during the festival and Dinner from 18:00.

The full programme is now up on


Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16
1075 TX Amsterdam

Amstelveenseweg 134,
1075 Amsterdam

Tram information for wheelchair users:

Jun 28: Brigitte (AU) + Karl Scott (UK) :: SquatLDF Benefit ::

Monday, June 1st, 2015


13:00 BRUNCH
17:00 SHOW

Brigitte from Dark Shadows (AU) performing solo/acoustic!!!
Playing unreleased songs, don’t miss out!

Karl Scott, the sweetest folk/indie singer songwriter from.. mostly Doncaster, UK.

Benefit for Squat Legal Defense Fund

Jun. 16: Daily Ritual (Singapore) + The Shady Greys

Monday, June 1st, 2015

DAILY RITUAL is a 5 piece anarcho punk band from Singapore, South East Asia. Post punk with a twist of garage! Featuring Members of Vaarallinen and Snaggletooth.
For fans of the Vicious and the Observers.



Jun. 14: BLACK No.1 (show)

Monday, June 1st, 2015


LOWEST CREATURE – crossover trash hardcore from Sweden

MEDEA – hardcore thrash metal from Sweden

THE SHINING – crossover punk trash metal from Amsterdam

Plus more TBC.

Benefit for the Squat Legal Defense Fund.


Jun. 7: Upcycle Workshop #2

Monday, June 1st, 2015


[Excerpt from Agazine #2]

“Industrialization (…) enabled the gradual participation of all classes of society in the fashion scene.
However, the dictates of haute couture still dominated…”
Create your own, non-industrialized, fashion style by swapping, upgrading, repairing and creating your own clothes/furniture/accessories.
We have enough already, there is no need to consume!

June 7th, 14:00-17:30 @ Occii

A workshop for everybody who feels a kick to make something special out of waste or stuff with which you have a special connection…
Think of small furniture, clothes, utensils, artifacts, stuff you don’t want to throw away but deserves a second life or a total make-over.
We are ready to help you make your concepts come true!
Take from home 3 items max. and use our tools and skills to make something unique.
You can use sewing machines, tools, extensions, decorations, paint, give away shop items, and many more things to pimp and transform your favorite stuff into an extraordinary product to take home after or swap at the spot…
Bring your friends and fantasy.

Offered by the swap-partycrew: Aga Flo, Mirna DIY, Michalis Weggeefwinkel, and Eri Kinderpret/ -this is not a kids workshop…- but bigger kids can try.








































Jun 7: Typewriter Society #5

Monday, June 1st, 2015



As usual, Typewriters for sale, typing, zine making, sewing, therapy letters, solidarity letters and beyond.

HOWEVER, this time it will be at OCCII in collaboration with the Upcycle Workshop#2!




May 19-22: AntiFrontex Days

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015


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Printable ZINE

Antifrontex days 19-22 may, 2015

On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border police and intelligence service, as well as aggressive promoter of anti-migrant policy. Frontex (from french Frontieres exterieurs), being discussed here, is the executive body of EU (anti)migration policy – enjoys autonomy in decision-making (for EU foreign policy), and has a yearly growing budget, which is not
accounted. Budget, used to finance futuristic projects, straight from distopia, like an automatic system of land drones, known as TALOS project, carried out in cooperation that included Warsaw University of Technology, Israeli Aerospace Industries and a lot of other military corporations.The trust also allows them to conduct their own foreign policy on migration – dealing with the neighboring dictatorships (Belarus, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria), sponsoring and organizing repression against refugees in a secure buffer zone, which blurs responsibility. As a result, the border of Europe moves farther away from the ‘old continent’, helping to hide the effects of this policy in the eyes of Europeans. Sponsored camps in the countries of the global south and ruthless anti-human migration policy of the EU countries result in real victims – tens of thousands of people drown, starve, are left at sea or desert, or are directly shot – every year more than at the Berlin wall in the entire time of its existence.

Refugees are pushed out of their home countries by pillaging neocolonial economy, conflicts fuelled by the seller of weapons, environmental disasters included in the cost of the European wealth, and finally imperialist invasions, and often have no choice but to flee in the direction of ‘European paradise’. The increasing stratification, hunger, poverty and fear motivate them to walk through deserts, passing oceans, and clinging to aircraft wheels, often submitting themselves under organized smugglers mafias. Frontex’ activities only add more kilometers and obstacles; without breaking Europe’s hegemony and its neo-colonial policies the determination, which families and sometimes entire villages rely on, of those people will never be reduced.

Usually tragedies are happening far away from the eyes of Europeans, but their scale, with an increase in the number of refugees (eg related to the events of the Arab Spring, the massacre of Afghanistan, the Syrian and Ukrainian war), had grown so much that it is impossible to keep ignoring them. Mass drowning off the coast of Italy and assaults on the borders of Ceuta and Melilla, death on the Evros minefields and barbed wire of the Bulgarian border are just a few examples of the tragedied, which become increasingly larger and more frequent as the social crisis in neighboring countries
deepens. The crisis, which often is the result of European foreign policy, economic colonization or direct military intervention.

In recent years, these events and harsh criticism led to changes in Frontex’ PR policy. Trying to introduce themselves as a humanitarian organization (mitigating the problems that it creates) or fighting the smugglers (for which it creates jobs) excelling itself in hypocrisy. However, its mode of operation is still deepening humanitarian crisis, simply looking at last naval operation, which banned the Italian crews rescuing refugees outside the coastal belt, or cooperation with organized crime, including the state run one, in Morocco and Libya.

For those who survive the long and dangerous journey to Europe, the problems do not end there. They just change their character. Undocumented immigrants become the target of anti-migrant domestic policy. They are not totally excluded from the social order – there is a place for them in slave labour, as victims of police violence, and locked up in detention centres. The position of all migrants in the EU is very difficult, the racist policy model is proved with even a look at the fate of the refugees of war (even minimal humanitarian standards recognized by the EU Member States are not met). An attempt to legalize the residence is a bureaucratic ordeal, usually resulting in criminalization, since the rules were constructed so that conditions are unattainable. The entire apparatus, set solely on repression and criminalization, serves the economic interest of the European Union, even though ‘great’ European cities are built with slave labor of migrants whose legal harassment usually strengthens the position of employers. CEO’s offices are cleaned up with hands of invisible migrants. Also the position of local workers is weakened by lowering labor cost. This machine is oiled by everyday racism of neo-fascists who let out their scapegoat aspirations in pogroms, denunciations, or work in the uniformed forces. This dramatic situation does not remain unanswered: in closed centers erupt hunger strikes and revolts, deportation are blocked – migrants know that they can count only on themselves, so they organize protest marches, occupy spaces, squat, resist evictions and confront the fascists.

We do not accept the policy of Euro-racism! Any innovation of repression we will answer with grassroots, anti-capitalist forms of brotherhood and sisterhood. As in the case of operation Mos Maiorum(the largest roundup in the history of post-war Europe), and other counter-information projects, warning actions, interactive maps of round-ups, and solidarity refusal to show documents by people holding them, which allowed many migrants escape the net casted by Frontex. Despite this 19,000 people were arrested, which for us is a call to intensify resistance. Also here, in Warsaw, where Frontex has its headquarters.

The last wave of hunger strikes in Polish camps, though brutally suppressed, helped forge contacts between prisoners and support groups, so that information about the strike came out. One of the ringleaders of the strike, Ekaterina Lemondżawa, is publishing a book on her experiences, in cooperation with the Warsaw NOII group.

For many years, Antifrontex Days have been organized in Warsaw- its the time to give them a new impetus and strengthen each other’s voices of protest. Thus, together, we, migrants and allies, invite you for the Antifrontex Days, which will take place in Warsaw on 19-22 May. We are waiting for you with meetings, screenings, emonstrations, and associated Activist Days Off festival.

For more information visit:, contact: antyfrontex[at]

We invite groups willing to take an active part in the organization of the event. We are a small collective from Warsaw, which together with you want to work together deconstructing our privileges and abolishing the boundaries imposed on us. When migrant circles in Europe come together in resistance and repression is on the rise, we can not remain passive. Unite against institutional state fascism – in the name of a real and practical transnational solidarity!

Come to Warsaw, 19-22 May! Let’s create a strong front against Frontex!

19-22 may – Antifrontex days everywhere!

For those who cannot come to Warsaw between 19-22 of may, we are proposing to do decentralized days of actions against Frontex. Let it be heard/seen everywhere during these days! We’ll leave the form of solidarity up to your limitless fantasy. You know the best what’s most useful in your local context, and where it hurts most.

Down with the borders! Long live active solidarity!

May 19: DIY Workshop: Bee-friendly Seedbombs

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

Learn or teach how to make seedbombs – small balls made up of a clay, compost soil and seeds!

This time we will focus on choosing seeds of bee-friendly plants.

After we are done with seedbombs, there will be a short movie screening about the importance of seeds – SEEDS OF FREEDOM

Come and join us any time and feel free to learn or teach, discuss, have a drink, watch a movie…

No entrance fee – donations for materials, drinks, snacks are welcome!

What material will we use?
If you have some seeds that we could use, bring them!
Let’s choose our seeds carefully (bee-friendly, native plants, not GM…)
And feel free to share your knowledge on which plants are good option and what are the best areas to do seedbombing!
If you have some spare compost soil, you can bring it.
We will use red powdered clay. Of course local clay is the best option. If you have it, you can bring it and share it with us.
Honeybees are disappearing drastically around the world. And the impact honeybees have on the human population and the environment is far more crucial than we may think. They facilitate pollination for most plant life. Most of the food you consume is available because of bees.

Why bees are disappearing:

There is hope. By planting bee-friendly native plants we provide diversity and food for the bees!
DIYW_Beefriendly seed bombs_flyer