Screening of three different documentary programs that show the current political and social situation in Brazil.
Het Spinhuis
Singel 165a, 1012 VK Amesterdão
19:00 – Soup
20:00 – Films/Debate
by Doctela (24 min)
“Who killed Eloá?” is a critical analysis of the spectacularization of violence and television’s approach in cases of violence against women, revealing one of the reasons why Brazil has the fifth highest rate of murders of women in the world.
In 2009, Lindemberg Alves, 22 years old, broke into the apartment of his ex-girlfriend Eloá Pimentel, 15 years old, with a gun, keeping her hostage for five days. The crime was widely broadcast by TV channels that vied for audience attention exploiting the ‘pain of love’ of Lindemberg and covered the kidnapping as if it was a live soap opera.
by Alice Dalgalarrondo (24 min)
In the words of Bishop Macedo in his book Power Plan, God has a political plan for the faithful of the UCKG (Universal Church of the Kingdom of God) and for its evangelical allies: to rule Brazil. This project intend to depict Brazil in 2030.Starting from the idea of a dystopian future given by the fateful unfolding on the current political power framework that the Evangelical Church plays at the moment, the video, created with found footage of real absurdities, tells the history of the ES (former Brazil) and how the power plan, devised by Bishop Macedo, came to materialize.
by Jornalistas Livres (10 min)
In 2015, the government of the brazilian state of São Paulo imposed a new measure to the education system, planning to shut down 94 schools and split the education levels (elementary, middle and high school) in another 800, affecting about 300 thousand children. Students protested, but with no visibility to their cause they begun the occupying movement that changed the education experience and raised political consciousness.